In 2023, we’re entering the rabbit year according to Chinese zodiac. In Chinese culture, the rabbit is a symbol of longevity, peace and prosperity. I celebrate this year by drawing cute rabbit that is characterized by pop culture. I draw a girl with curly and orange hair. Her eyes are exaggerated to big eyes. She is harmonized with the nature. Female figure and cute animal character have cute aesthetic that can be smallness, weakness. Infantilized appearance evoke sense of caregiving because baby is vulnerable and need constant care. I felt heartwarming and being touched by soul through cute characters. Naive characters are so innocent that they tend to be very trusting and have little experience with how the world works. These appearance is associated with fairy tales because naive children believe unreliable story such as wizard and monster. Characters are standing in the middle of meadow. It represents harmonizing with nature, which advocates for environmental movement.
Nature is surrounding us with beautiful landscape and providing us food. I express a woman interacts with nature that features fluidity of forms and floral and leaf motif.